Feliz ano nuevo mis amigos y familias,
My Spanish is deplorable so I look up words and put them together, even though it may not be correct.
Anyway I mean Happy New Year friends and family!
I'm so tired today, but not because I'm hung over. We did go out for potluck and stayed until after midnight.
The sunset was beautiful so I had to take at least one photo; actually I took about six but I chose this one. It really was darker than the photo shows, but cameras can do marvellous things.
We were actually talking of moving over to this rv park next season. It is on the beach but quite sheltered and has this lovely patio to block some of the wind. The biggest drawback to moving is that the sites are narrow and the little sitting areas are very small.
One of the fellows who was here last year has taken up residence in the newest park at the end of the street. It is called La Parota and has large pads,wide roads for backing into the spaces and a new laundry and restrooms. It is also along the beach. Drawbacks? Yes. It doesn't have any large trees except the parota tree at the entrance and the palms it does have are either too small still or have coconuts that haven't been removed. Coconuts falling on rigs can sound like a bomb going off or if you are hit by one could kill you.
Pros- just walk out your rig, down the park roadway about 100 steps and you are on the beach.
A few days ago our friend Victor made us a hummingbird feeder. It is made out of a plastic bottle, one of my plastic containers, which I used a lot but happily give up for the sake of the hummers, flowers made out of a coke can and string from our string bin. I think I got a bird in this picture somewhere, or maybe not.

We really worked hard today. I have started going to Thai yoga classes in the morning and if any of you know of my sleeping habits, getting up early is not one of my favourite things. I started with my first class yesterday. Today after that long evening outdoors, I was up late but duty called. Today I could not do a flipper exercise. I knew my stomach muscles were almost non existent and today proved that theory. I could not raise my legs to do flippers with my feet off the mat. But, that will not stop me from getting those tummy muscles back in good working order.
Back at the rig, I went for a shower, had some breakfast and putzed around until I decided it was the day to make my friend Carol a pair of earrings. I had earlier made the hooks for her from niobium wire and she tried them out for a day and felt she could wear them. Today we sat and designed a pair of earring for her.
They turned out great and they look great on her. She wore them to Happy Hour so I know she likes them.
Here they are for all to see. Constructive criticism is welcome. Prices vary but I only make one of a kind pairs. lol They henceforth will be known as Carol's earrings.
After putting away my bead box Mike headed out to the beach with our buddies Vic and Bev. I caught up to them and realized we needed to show everyone that the beach on New Year's Day was warm and sunny. Mike took a polar bear swim that was watched by the whales (just kidding). He went in the water for a while. Before we left I did spot some whales but they were a long way from the beach.
Here we are wishing you all good times, a safe haven, peace of mind, kindnesses to all in the new year.
Holoidays on holiday