Friday, November 13, 2009

Pismo Beach, WOW

     It's Friday the 13th and we drove here today from Gilroy, the garlic capital of the world, haha.
The weather is definitey warmer.  The sun has shone for 3 days now.  I could not wait to get away from the rain.  The drive from Salinas to San Luis Obispo was really fascinating.  The area is covered in fields of veges and grapes.  Mile after nauseum.  But it was really interesting trying to guess what field had what veges and what the workers were picking.  Many of the fields were being harrowed and probably prepped for more planting.
     In the whole trip so far I think we've actually been able to find two tourist information places.  The signs on the road say tourist information this way-you know-with the arrows, then we get caught in midtown traffic but see only little tiny signs saying tourist information  two blocks, then we miss the sign to turn at this street so we just hit the freeway again and keep going.
     We had to stop in Pismo Beach.  It looked so neat all lined up neatly on the right side of the highway.  We did find this tourist information site and were directed to this beautiful rv resort.  It is called the Pismo Coast Village RV Resort.  It was not on their map but they said it was one of the nicest so we pulled in and they had a space for us.  $45.00 later we are set up and on our way to the beach, and what a beach.  It says in the area brochure that this beach is one of only a few California beaches that actually allows vehicles on the beach.
     Lis, is this the place you have your timeshare in March?  Or are there two Pismo Beaches in California?  I'll have to check the map.  If your timeshare is here, bring a jacket.  The average temperature year round here is 61 degrees F.  I think I'm not far enough south.  It does get cool here as soon as the sun starts to set.  Lots of people in here have campfires going, but I'm being a wuss.
     By the way Annetti, we stopped at Walmart south of Santa Rosa and bought a little fridge.  We've been able to put it under our dining table.  Mike took off the leg of the table and moved it up closer to the edge of the table.  That gives us room to open the door. 
     Our magellan GPS unit that we bought at Future Shop in Surrey is still not working after we bought a new plug in unit.  So we think the GPS itself is the problem.  Mike is just testing it again and it looks like it is not going to work.  I guess we send it back to Magellan and get it fixed or get a new unit.  We will have to get an address so that they can send it back to us.  Time to stop and enjoy the weather somewhere a little warmer than here. 
     We also bought a phone.  We met some people from Ontario in Santa Rosa and Art told us about a pay as you go phone for $30.00.  We got it at Walmart.  It is called Net10.  Calls to anywhere in the US  are 10 cents each and to Canada are 15 cents each.  I got it activated today but have to wait a few days to call to Canada, so Dave and Vicki, we'll be calling you soon.  If you want our phone number please email us at our regular email address and we will give it to you.
     Dave, there is a RV dealership called Sky River.  The website is  It is located in Paso Robles which is where hwy 101 and hwy 46 meet.  They had a video on the tv here showing this park in May.  There were dozens of Air Stream mohomes here, all sizes and ages and in really neat shape.  I'm not sure if Sky River sells Air Streams or not but you could have a look.
     Does anyone know of something called Rescue Remedy? or Remedy Rescue?  It is a natural relaxer.  One of the campers in Santa Rosa had some and she gave a drop to Weaver.  We really have to find some of that stuff.  Does anyone have any recommendations for calming a very panicky dog while driving?  Weaver is still having a fit when we drive.  At least we haven't put him in the bathroom the last couple of days.  Mike has resorted to proving that he is alpha and letting Weaver know in no uncertain terms that he is the boss, not Weaver. ha ha.
    Well, it's time to cudle under a blanket for a while before hitting the hay. 

Mave n Mike