We are sweltering here in Mexico. The ocean is giving us a great display of its powers as the waves continue to crash onto the beach here. The noise sounds like thunder but I have to remind myself that the sky outside is sunny without a cloud around today.
We've made friends with our neighbours who are from Ontario. We played Mexican dice with them the other day. Friends from home it is the same as Farkle I think but they have added a clause that when they hit 1000 points then they can use the 2,3,4 throw as a free throw. The game goes to 7000 points and I was winning for the whole game until Beth came out of nowhere and beat me. Mike came in third and Vic was in the cellar.
This week we've been under the weather a little bit. I'm still not 100 % so I'm trying to stay out of the sun. We are not allowed to use our air conditioners because they use too much power but yesterday I was granted permission to use it while the boy cleaned our Rig. He did a great job so Mike gave him 200 pesos instead of the 150 they had agreed on the day before. Figure it out. 12.3 pesos to the US(?) dollar. We don't have any vehicle wax or we would have hired him to wax it too. It took him about 3 hours to clean it. None of the teenagers at home would do it for that money. I had to grab the english/spanish dictionary a few times to communicate with his mom who works here, but we finally got the messages connected. Alfredo runs the rv park here. Erica and her son also work here, but I don't know if they are related. He's busy digging a garden patch along a low retaining wall so he can plant some bougeanvilla (sp) plants. I see he's quit for now. At 1pm it is too hot to be in the sun and siesta time is coming up. Almost everyone closes up shop for a few hours here to go home and have lunch and a rest out of the heat.
We are true nortamericanos when we go out for a walk at this tme. Not anymore. I've learned. We usually head to the beach about 3 pm and come back by 4.
Three more guests have left us. They were in the bungalows. Brenda had to go back to work at Newport Beach and her hubby went home too. Her uncle is staying in Mexico for a while longer. Walter is taking them to Puerto Vallarta. We will probably leave on Sunday and go on to P.V. where the other Mike lives.
We've had a few sightings of iguanas the last couple of days. One was in Walter's palm tree. It is the pure green one. The other one was caught on camera by Mike sitting on a mailbox across the street.