We parked in the same spot we had last trip. It's nice and sunny here so I can see why this little place swells with humans during the winter months.

There is no large supermarket here so folks either bring their own supplies or go to Blythe, California to the west; Parker, AZ north of here or Yuma, south of here to shop.
Hubby quickly got the rig set up and the awning and lawn chair out. The day was beautiful with a moderately warm day (high 70's-sorry I don't do metric conversions very easily). A nice breeze kept our rig cool but left a lot of dust on the window sills that I cleaned up before I went to bed.
Hubby took me round to two bead stores; Hardie's Beads and Jewellry, and Gem World. He drove me home and I went back; of course I went back; are you crazy? I didn't find exactly what I wanted; seems briolettes and awarness charms are in short supply here, but I did find some beads that will substitute for the briolettes.
I did three loads of laundry here. It was time. A person can only wear a shirt for so many days at a time before it has to be thrown in the laundry basket.
Hubby had purchased a really good looking chuck roast at Safeway in Lake Havasu and he decided to make a stew out of it. You had to be here! It turned out sooo good! His slow cooker recipes; not anyone else's; are just getting better and better. It was also one of the best chuck roasts I've ever seen. Well marbled but not too much. Very little extaneous fat on the edges. I must say I like the meat down here better than at home. The butchers cut their meats differently here. To make this story short; the stew was delicious. Thanks Chuck.
I cleaned up the dishes and went over to the Hall to watch the baseball game and work on the puzzle of the week.
It got very cold last night. I don't know what the temperature was but I know I spent a lot of time trying to keep warm. I was too lazy to reach over my head and pull down an extra blanket.
Today, October 28 is Friday and I'm in the club house wondering why all the chairs are not placed with any tables. Here are the tables and you can see why.
The kids are coming. The schools in Quartzsite (school?) take school buses full of little trick and treaters, escorted by the police, around to the various rv parks who are prepared for them and hand out little bags of candy. This park was prepared for 200 children but there seemed to be over a hundred little bags left. I guess there is a rule of some sort that you don't give any candy to the adults, although quite a few adults had little ones with them who had a little sac or bucket for candy and some did two bags. I'm having trouble uploading photos in the same space. Seems the second photo knocks out the first photo's position. Still a big learning curve here, lol. I'm retired, I should know it all by now; NOT. The story goes that the children do not go house to house here on Halloween night. This is their time for trick or treating. Good idea I'd say.
The handsome pirate is a volunteer fireman from Quartzsite Fire Department. He asked me to mention it. He's escorting the buses and I guess a costume, this one in particular, keeps him cool and hip looking, lol. Great job Quartzsite police, firemen and school district.