Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I promised another post so here goes...

Hi everyone,

It's late but I had a busy day so I'll try to add some more pictures of the Philippines and China.

I started the last blog talking about Sinulog so now I will try to add some photos from a very hot, awesome, tiring day watching from the security of a grandstand seat as drill team after drill team did their stuff on stage for the photographers and families of the participants-and there were thousands of participants in the parade.

praying to Pit Senyor outside with their candles

The Friday mass spilled out of the Basillica because there was no room inside

School girls taking rest in the Basillica courtyard

Sinulog queen candidate

Puppets with their puppetmasters

One of many drill teams representing towns and municipalities from Cebu
and neigbouring Islands

What fun these young fellows were having!

He behaved very well all day!

Another colourful drill team

Magellan's Cross

These are but a few of the many shots Mike took while immersed in the Sinulog celebrations.  A person really needs to go there to get a feel for the dedication these folks have for Pit Senyor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys,

    My first comment didn't go through...

    Once again, thanks for the memories. Your pictures really capture the flavour of the trip!
    Now we need to see some photos from China!! Looking forward to your homecoming. Have a safe trip!

    Bob & Cher
